I blog here every day and I've written more than 1500 posts so far.
You can take a look at the most popular ones here.
I've also written a bunch of books. Here's my favorite one for free:
"I'm everywhere and nowhere. And I own nothing and everything."
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All you'd have to do is to click the above link, make a right click in the new window that opens up and then select "Save as".
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If you're a writer (or want to become one) here are some of my best tips on writing:
"121 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Writer."
I've also published some of my books on Medium.
You can read them here and here.
If you're thinking about quitting your job (to follow your passion for example), you should definitely take a look at my book 40 Alternatives to Quitting Your Job before you do something you might regret later down the road.
And if you're still on the fence about quitting your job, take a look at this video right here where I share the story of how I lost $200,000 following my passion (scroll down in the new window that pops up)
Also, feel free to pass on any (or all) of these books to the people who need to read them.
All of these and more books are also available for purchase on Amazon.
So you can grab your favorite ones as paperback or to read them on your Kindle.
Here's a free trick: You can just copy the above PDFs onto your Kindle and read them there instead of your tiny screen on your phone.
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