Hi. I'm Yann. I write. A lot. And I do stuff. All the time.
And if I'm not busy working on my own stuff I help others get better at doing their stuff.
I've basically lived out of a backpack for the past 10 years.
Over the years I've lived and done projects in Shanghai, New York, Berlin, Bangkok, my hometown Munich and more places than I can remember.
At the same time I was and still am writing this blog that I started back in 2013.
In 2015 I decided to write and publish one blog post every single day.
And I haven't stopped since then.
What started as a 7 day writing challenge because I wanted to write more but never really followed through, is now a daily habit.
Besides writing this blog I also write books.
Some of them are collections of some of my best stuff from this blog.
Some expand on some of the ideas I shared on this blog while others are totally different.
So far I've published 10 books.
My favorite and most successful book was read more than 60,000 times.
Which made me really happy because I felt like this was the book I'd also wanted to read.
That's why I'm giving it away for free so more people can read it and share it with the people who need to read it.
It's called "I'm everywhere and nowhere. And I own nothing and everything."
For a free version of the book click here.
Occasionally I also give talks.
Unfortunately (or fortunately...), most of them weren't taped.
But below is one I gave a few years ago in Malaysia for Incitement Kuala Lumpur on how I've lost $200k following my passion.
People told me it was a good talk.
I don't know.
You can check it out below...
If you've watched this video and want to know more about what you could do instead of quitting your job to follow your passion (without going broke), you might want to take a look at my e-book 40 Alternatives to Quitting Your Job.
It's a direct download. No email signup required...
But I don't just do projects, write a lot, give talks and help others get better at doing their stuff.
Sometimes I also interview people.
Actually, whenever I meet someone new I feel like I'm interviewing them.
That's probably why people keep telling me that I'm annoying and ask way too many questions.
So a while ago my friends Paul & Kate interviewed me for one of their movies (which I just realized I somehow never got to see...)
And once they were done interviewing me for their movie I spontaneously turned the whole thing around and just started interviewing them using their equipment. Because I had none...
You can watch that interview below. It might be the only one I ever did that was videotaped...
Other than that, if you've come this far, make sure to also check out my blog's "best of" section here.
For more free stuff from me click here.
And here's the link to subscribe to my daily blog posts: Yann's Blog
P.S. You'll get a super special bonus if you subscribe to my daily blog here.