This is for the people who look at the world from a different perspective. The ones who are restless. The ones who strive for change. The ones who see things differently. The ones who don’t accept the status quo. The ones who challenge current thinking patterns. The ones who break down existing barriers. The ones who make the impossible possible. The ones who build new things. The ones most people call crazy, but we call them passionate. This is for the people just like you and me...
It's hard to do the work that no one told you to do. It's torture. But it's the only work worth doing. Because it's the only work that only you can do...
Education gets you a job. But a job rarely gets you freedom. Only being able to build something out of nothing gets you freedom. So how do you learn that? Only by doing...
In the long run, the content of your decisions is far less important than to stick to them, to not second guess them and to not change course over and over again...
It's very hard to succeed at the things you don't enjoy doing. Because there'll always be people that enjoy doing it. And it's just really hard to compete with someone who's really good at something and actually really enjoys doing it...