This is for the people who look at the world from a different perspective. The ones who are restless. The ones who strive for change. The ones who see things differently. The ones who don’t accept the status quo. The ones who challenge current thinking patterns. The ones who break down existing barriers. The ones who make the impossible possible. The ones who build new things. The ones most people call crazy, but we call them passionate. This is for the people just like you and me...
People tend to say that perseverance is the key. But what they're often missing is, that in many cases, perseverance is the result of a lack of other options...
The only thing that really matters is the thing that pushes you to change things and to take action. Try to figure out what that is and do more of that. Everything else is just noise...
When things are going well, you're busy making sure they continue to go well. And when things aren't going so well, you're busy improving things and making sure that things don't get worse...
The problem is that no one is going to tell you to do the stuff that only you can do. Because only you can figure out what that stuff even is. And if you don't figure it out, you'll end up where everybody else ends up, doing what everybody else is doing...
Failure sets you free. From fear. From pressure. And from expectations. From your own expectations. And from other people's expectations. It's a fresh start. A blank canvas...
The best and probably the only way to really learn from mistakes and understand something is when you're losing your own money. And not someone else's...
The same things that pushed you to start something new, are the exact same things that'll push you to keep starting something new. It never stops. Keep that in mind...
Most people know what to do. Some people know what to do and how to do it. But just a few people know what to do, how to do it, and are actually really doing it. Mastering all three of them will give you freedom...
Most opportunities don't look like opportunities at first. And instead, they often look like uncertainties, threats and risks. And once it becomes obvious and they do look like opportunities, it's usually already too late...
We usually overestimate how quickly good things can happen to us, while at the same time, we underestimate how quickly and unexpectedly bad things can happen to us...