The more stuff you know, the more stuff there is to worry about...
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Diversification is good. But it only makes sense to diversify once you have enough to diversify. And to get to that point you'd have to be laser-focused. And to figure out what to focus on, you'd have to try as many different things as possible to see what works and what doesn't...
The number and the size of opportunities you get access to is directly linked to the degree of uncertainty and risk you're able to deal with...
There are people out there that can change your life forever. Don't ignore them...
If your strategy only works when everything goes according to plan, then you don't have a strategy. And instead, you have a dream...
Your ability to deal with uncertainty, volatility, and (perceived) risk is directly linked to the number of opportunities you'll have access to...
The person you are today will ultimately hold you back from becoming the person you could and probably should be tomorrow...
Speed is rarely the real problem. Just like time is rarely the real problem. Or money. But perseverance is. And patience...
You can either be cheaper than everybody else, better than everybody else or different. But only one of those is sustainable (and healthy) in the long run. And being better than everybody else usually isn't. Just like being cheaper than everybody else usually isn't...
We mostly see the exceptions and rarely the rule. Simply because exceptional stories are much more interesting and get a lot more traffic, likes and shares than regular stories. Keep that in mind...
Low-hanging fruit makes you fat. And lazy. And robs your ambition. Don't stick to it for too long...
Life lessons can't be taught. You can only truly understand them when you experience them firsthand. When you look at them in retrospect. From a safe distance. With no emotions. And no ego...
Your next skill should be the skill that enables you to market all of your existing (and future) skills...
If you feel like something or someone is holding you back, that someone is usually you...
It's not so much about what you're able to do, but about what you're willing to do...
Living in a time where you can do pretty much anything you want, people usually end up doing what everybody else is already doing. Making those things harder and harder, while everything else (that nobody's doing) is getting easier and easier...
The best advice you'll ever get: ignore advice from everybody who has never done what you're trying to do. And yes, this also includes my advice. Especially my advice...
Don't build a product, service, or company. Build a community instead. And then build a product, service, or company for that community...
It's never the things you wish for that are going to change anything. It's only the stuff you're working really hard for that will...
It doesn't really matter how much you know. What matters is what you do with the stuff you know. No matter how much or how little that is...
It takes about four years to get a high school degree. Another four years to get a bachelor's. And then another five years or so until you get a decent job. So why are you already thinking about giving up that new project you started working on just a few months ago?!
At one point you've gotta start doing your own thing. And stop doing everybody else's thing...
To customers. To readers. To viewers. To listeners... You name it. The only thing that matters is access. Because everything else is interchangeable. Products are. Services are. 99,9% of brands are. Try to keep that in mind...
Understanding why people are saying the things they say and doing the things they do is almost as important as (if not more important than) what they're actually saying or doing...
The secret to perseverance, discipline, and commitment is not caring about what other people might think of you...