Is easy.
And convenient.
That's why we love doing things we're already good at.
Because it's predictable.
And manageable.
There are no unexpected roadblocks along the way.
On the other hand doing things we're not good yet is the exact opposite.
It's hard.
And inconvenient.
And uncomfortable.
And unpredictable.
There are hundreds of unexpected roadblocks along the way.
That's why change is so hard.
On every level...
Because we'd have to start all over again.
Over and over again.
And we're not used to this anymore.
Over the past couple of decades we've tried as hard as we possibly could to fight the unpredictable.
To eliminate volatility.
And change.
But times are changing.
Everything that follows a certain process, a certain logic, that is predictable, repeatable and manageable will be done by algorithms, machines or robots.
And it will be done way better than we could ever possibly do any of it.
Which leaves the unpredictable, the unmanageable, the unrepeatable (but interesting) work to us.
And our work might change more and more from using known solutions for known problems (which will be done by machines and algorithms) to finding unknown solutions to unknown problems...