Is commitment.
1000% committment.
No questions asked.
So how do you commit 1000% to one thing and one thing only when there are millions of other options and opportunities out there?
You've gotta love it.
Or love her.
Or love him.
Or love whatever.
If you don't love it, you won't be able to commit to it. Period.
And if you don't commit to it, you won't succeed. Ever.
Because you're going to chase every shiny object out there.
Every get rich quick scheme.
Every beautiful individual.
So how do you find something you really love?
By not wasting any more of your time doing something you don't love.
By not wasting any more of your time being together with someone you don't love.
By not wasting any more of your time hanging out with people you don't love.
It really is that simple.
But not easy...