I don't know what freedom is.
Or what it might mean to you.
And it's probably different for all of us.
And depends on where you live.
And your circumstances.
But it can be as simple as...
Being able to walk 45 minutes to a place on a workday around 3pm instead of taking the bus just because you can.
Being able to spend time with the kids on a Monday afternoon without having to ask anyone for permission.
Being able to watch series on a workday around 1pm without worrying about getting fired.
Being able to do whatever you want without ever having to ask anyone for permission except yourself.
Being able to calculate the risks and taking responsibility for all of your actions and their consequences without worrying about not being able to pay next month's rent.
Freedom doesn't have to be complicated.
Or involves having a lot.
Or traveling to fancy places.
Sometimes freedom involves being able to kiss your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband on a workday at 3pm without having to take a day off...
What did you do today to get closer to your freedom?