Is to show real world results.
If you don't have anything to show, you'll never be able to convince anyone.
Want to convince your parents you should be an entrepreneur?
Stop arguing with them, get going and build a successful business on the side.
That might convince them.
Want to convince a publisher to publish your book?
Stop wasting your time hunting down publishers, get going and self publish a bestseller.
That might convince them.
Want to get in touch with influencers to promote your brand?
Stop wasting your time "networking", get going and become an influencer yourself.
That might convince them.
Want to convince an investor to invest in your idea or company?
Stop wasting your time pitching, get going, bootstrap and build a successful business.
That might convince them.
Want to start writing for a website with a huge audience?
Stop wasting your time cold pitching articles, get going, start your own blog and write articles and build a huge audience yourself.
That might convince them.
And this is the best way to convince anyone.
Maybe even the only way...