Most of the stuff we see out there is the polished stuff.
The stuff without any flaws.
Without any typos.
With a perfect cover.
Or a perfect caption.
But what we usually tend to forget is how the people putting out this popular stuff really started.
When no one knew about them.
When they were putting out their raw stuff.
Their unpolished stuff.
Their stuff full of flaws.
Because that's what starting looks like.
It's messy.
And sometimes even ugly.
But what it's all about at the end of the day is to put your stuff out there.
No matter your equipment.
No matter the typos.
No matter the flaws.
It's all about showing up.
Over and over again.
And by showing up over and over again will you move up the value chain.
You'll be creating more and more value for more and more people.
And you'll be producing more and more quality work.
Because quantity is the only way to quality...