Relying and working a single job where you do the same stuff over and over again without learning any new skills when more and more jobs are disappearing. That's what's really risky.
Putting everything on a single card, instead of having a hand full of cards when the chances that your one card will be the winning card is close to zero. That's what's really risky.
Relying on that one skill you have instead of learning new skills. That's what's really risky.
Believing that this time it's different. That's what's really risky.
Believing that all of this won't affect you. That's what's really risky.
Not grabbing opportunities and instead holding on to that one single opportunity even though the chances of success of that one thing is close to zero. That's what's really risky.
Not willing to learn the tools and techniques that are available to all of us. No matter what age, gender, nationality or ethnicity. That's what's really risky.
Now that's what's really risky..
Watch today's video here: