99% of the people never take that first step. It's an ego thing. I think.
You might get rejected when you apologize.
You might get rejected when you ask for forgiveness.
You might get rejected when you ask for help.
You might get rejected when you ask for a date.
So most people never take that first step. Most people wait for the other person to make that first step. And we find hundreds of reasons for not making that first step.
I'm older than she is. She has to apologize. I'm right and he's wrong. He has to apologize. He has to come over and talk to me. I'm a woman. And he's a man.
And you know what. That's the ego speaking. That's the ego speaking and robbing you from some of the biggest, best and maybe even most wonderful moments of your life.
Your ego is ultimately robbing all of your happiness. And opportunities.
So every once in a while try to make that first step. And don't let your ego rob all your happiness. All your opportunities.
Don't let things fall apart only because of that one first step you never took. Just because you were too scared of taking that first step. Of getting rejected.
You know, it's ok when things fall apart. After that second, third or fourth step.
But if things fall apart before anyone even did that first step it's just a waste of opportunities. Of life. And happiness..
Watch today's video here: http://bit.ly/1QbM7LS