Many people will not like you.
Many people will not agree with you.
Many people will not take you serious.
Many people will laugh at you.
And many people will not care about you.
It doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you do your thing. Be yourself. Find your strengths. And know who you truly are.
Because if you’ve done that, if you know who you truly are and act that way, it’ll be like a natural filter.
A filter that will automatically filter away the folks you wouldn’t have gotten along with anyway. Folks that would only have taken away your focus, your energy, your time and your drive.
It’ll make everything so much easier when you stop pretending to be someone you’re not. When you stop trying to please other people all the time.
Sure, it’s not easy having to deal with the fact that a lot of people won’t like you. Or agree with you.
But as a matter of fact that’s the only way to focus all of your energy, strength and time on people and things you should focus on.
By being yourself and ignoring the folks who can’t deal with your true self. Your true voice. And who you really are..