The best way out of anything you don't want anymore is to be mediocre at it.
All you have to do is to stop caring. And to stop putting in the work. To always do the bare minimum. But not more.
And then you wait. You wait until you get caught doing a bad job. Until you get caught doing the bare minimum.
Like being a mediocre boyfriend. A mediocre girlfriend. A mediocre boss. A mediocre teacher. A mediocre employee. A mediocre whatever.
It's so much easier to stop caring. To simply stop putting in the work than having to face confrontation. It's so much easier to do just enough to get by. But not more.
But the truth is that you'll never get caught.
You'll never get caught doing a bad job. You'll never get caught doing just ok work. You'll never get caught being just a mediocre girlfriend. A mediocre boyfriend. Or a mediocre boss.
Because we all got so used to mediocre work. To mediocre relationships.
Mediocre has become the new norm. So you'll never get caught doing mediocre work. You'll never get caught doing the bare minimum.
And all that's going to happen is that at one point in time you'll just accept that mediocre job you wanted to get out of. You'll accept that mediocre boss. Or that mediocre relationship.
And that's the real trap. When at one point you'll realize that you'll be stuck in that mediocre thing forever.
Because everybody else was also busy waiting to get caught..
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