If you're able to get just one person a day to like your product, to read your book, to support your idea or to share your blog post, you'll have 365 people who support your work at the end of the year.
In itself, a growth rate of just one single person a day seems ridiculously small. But if you focus on just this one person, if you focus on delivering real value to just one person every single day of the year, you'll end up with a lot more than just 365 supporters.
You'll end up with 365 true fans who'll help you spread the word about your art, your work or your product. Because they'll tell their friends about it. And then their friends will turn into true fans. And then their friends..
Getting just one true fan needs an incredible amount of work. It takes a hell lot more work to provide real value to just one single person than providing value to one million people.
Gary Vaynerchuk responds to almost every single tweet. That's an incredible amount of work. A lot more work than automating your Twitter account would take. But it turns hundreds into true fans. It turned me into a true fan.
A few years ago I had a problem with Gumroad and sent a ticket to their helpdesk. Their CEO Sahil Lavingia responded to my mail after just 10 minutes. I'm telling this story ever since. I'm a true fan.
What's going to happen when you focus on creating value for 1 million people all at once, instead of just one single person is that you'll end up watering down your message.
You'll skip responding to people. You'll have to automate everything. And then you'll skip having true fans.
And this is the real power of one person a day..