Everywhere you go people want to help you to become a better person. Or a genius. Or smarter. Or more successful. Or better. Or faster. Or skinnier. Or whatever..
But the truth is that none of this stuff will help you to get you where you want to be in life. Where you have to be in life.
All it does is that it eats up your time. It takes away your focus from what really matters. From what’s really important.
It takes away the most precious resource you have. Your time.
You need time to experience things. And only by experiencing things will you be able to grow as a person.
You won’t grow as a person by reading books. Or blog posts. Or watching videos. As a matter of fact none of this will help you at all. Well, maybe some books might. I don't know.
None of the things I say, write or do will help you to grow as a person.
The only thing that will help you to grow as a person is to go out there and experience things. To live your own life.
You need to start writing your own script. You need to start shooting your own movie. You need to write your own story. Your own life’s story.
So stop reading or watching someone else’s movie. Or reading someone else’s story. Stop reading my story.