There's nothing better on this planet earth than having an idea. The only thing that's better than having an idea is to start working on it.
There are countless of different ideas. Small ideas. Big ideas. Disrupting ideas. Realistic ideas. Crazy ideas. Stupid ideas.
And once we decide to execute on an idea we almost always believe that it's a game changing idea. And that's a good thing.
Because only if we're convinced enough that this is a really game changing idea will we be able to push hard enough and long enough (really, really long).
If we don't push hard enough and don't believe strong enough that this will change the world we won't be able to push it through the bad times.
The times when nothing seems to work out. The times when we feel like giving up. Times when others laugh about us and our stubbornness. Times when we have to move out of our current apartment because we can't afford it anymore. Times when we have to take a bus somewhere because we can't afford to fly.
That's why we have to lose our sense of good and bad sometimes. That's why being unrealistic might be the most realistic thing to do right now. That's why we have to start dreaming.
That's why you have to continue dreaming even though people will tell you you're crazy, stupid, blind, ignorant or whatever.
You have to keep on pushing.
You have to ignore the naysayers.
You have to ignore the ones that have never been through all of this. The ones that just live inside the matrix instead of trying to shape, influence and change the matrix. The ones that don't participate in building a new matrix.
Instead, listen to the ones that have gone through all of this already.
Listen to the shapers, the makers and the creators. Listen to all of what they have to say.
And then just do the opposite. Or do whatever you feel like doing.
Because no one is able to predict the future. Because the moment someone successfully built the future it's already the past and might not be valid anymore.
So just keep on pushing long and hard enough until your fantasy becomes reality. Be a dreamer. Don't be a believer...